Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
Moenkemoellerstraße 30
53129 Bonn, Germany
Tel. +49 228 935947 26
Mob. +49 171 567 03 11
Fax +49 228 935909 46
Managing Director: Dr. Michael J. Horn
Commercial Register: Bonn Local Court, HRB 19684
VAT identification number: DE 286515071
Responsible bar Association: SOURCE LAW Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH is licensed and regulated by the Cologne Bar Association ( All lawyers of SOURCE LAW Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH are licensed to practice law in the Federal Republic of Germany and are members of the German Bar Association Cologne (Riehler Strasse 30, 50668 Cologne, Germany,
Rules and regulations governing the professional conduct of lawyers: For information regarding the rules and regulations governing the professional conduct of lawyers please visit the website of the German Federal Bar Association:
Professional liability insurance:
By virtue of the statutory stipulations of the Federal Lawyers Act (BRAO), the Federal Regulation on Notaries (BNotO) and the Tax Consultancy Act (StBerG), lawyers, tax consultants and notaries are required to take out professional liability insurance. The minimum insurance sum for law firms amounts to EUR 2,500,000.00. The details are governed by Sect. 51, 59j (2) BRAO. The professional liability insurance of SOURCE LAW Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH is held with HDI Versicherung AG, Heilbronner Strasse 158, 70191 Stuttgart, Germany. The geographical scope of the professional liability insurance covers activities worldwide. Excluded from the scope of the insurance cover are liability claims arising from or in connection with advice on or dealing with the law of, and out of activities at courts in, countries outside Europe (with the exception of Turkey). The terms of the policy are set out in detail in the following General Terms and Conditions of Professional Liability Insurance which are made available by SOURCE LAW Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH or HDI Versicherung AG: AVB-WSR (VH 558:07) and BBR (9814:02).